I have been really bad about blogging. We have been really busy the past few months. Mackenzie keeps me very busy. She loves to go outside, and get into any trouble she can get her hands on. Some bad news o report in April I had a miscarriage. We are doing fine, we will try again, the doctor said it was just my body getting rid of a unhealthy pregnancy, he said the baby didn't even form.
Daddy redid out deck so we now have a very nice deck to play out on and entertain on also.
Auntie Angie and Marissa from Texas have come to visit us at least once a month, that has been very fun to have the cousins together so they can play.
Mackenzie was dedicated to the Lord on Mother's Day so that was a very special day for us. For Father's Day we went to the Como zoo and had a BBQ at Grammy and Grandpa Malik's house.
Mackenzie is starting to show her true self and she is talking a little more each day. these are the words she normally says are : Ma Ma,Mom, Da Da, Daddy, Kitty, Doggie, Teddy, All Done, Ball, Ya Ya, Pa Pa, Veggies. She knows a few sounds she knows what a dog, cat and cow say. She can sign the word please and she is shaking her head for yes and no. She is getting so big and growing up way to fast. Her favorite show to watch on TV when we let her is Veggie Tales. I have to tell a story I have been going to garage sales. We went to this one garage sale and they had little key chains the were Veggie Tales characters. I showed them to her and her eyes got really big and she grabbed them, I asked her if she wanted them and she said Yay. So we went to pay for them and she would not let go of the bag that they were in and so we paid for them and left and went to another garage sale and I told her that she would have to leave them in the car and that was not going to happen she was holding on them so tight her hands were turning purple. I guess she loves the Veggie Tales.